SIAM News Blog

SIAM Unwrapped - June 2017

June 12, 2017

SIAM members,

Pre-registration closes TODAY (midnight EDT) for this year’s SIAM Annual Meeting (AN17), being held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 10-14! Learn about many of the activities in this issue, and don’t miss out! A full list of the AN17 technical sessions, prize lectures, and events can be found in the online program.

See you in Pittsburgh! 

Becky Kerner




Retirement of David Marshall, SIAM Publisher
Upcoming: Michael Vogelius on State of Math Funding
Did You Know: We’re Making Award-Winning Posters! 

Welcome Kivmars Bowling, New SIAM Publications Director  


Experiencing a SIAM Conference: Why Should You Attend?


Student Days and Career Fair 
Meet the Real-Life Hidden Figures 
Block Lecture: How and Why Our Climate is Changing 
Make the Perfect Pitch: Communication Doctors
Spotlight: Awards and Prize Lectures
Stay Up to Speed: Attend the SIAM Business Meeting 
System Upgrades: Help Us Test Onsite

A Smashing Success: DS17 and OP17
SIAM Conference Registrations, Submissions & Deadlines



David MarshallRetirement of David Marshall, SIAM Publisher 

It is bittersweet that we announce the retirement of SIAM Publisher, David Marshall. David has been blazing trails at SIAM for 10 years. His accomplishments have been many during his tenure including; the successful publication of four new journals; a major expansion of international sales through consortia; and the design, creation and sale of the SIAM e-book library. Thank you for your years of service and the great contributions you leave behind, David! 

Upcoming: Michael Vogelius on State of Math Funding 

The July/August issue of SIAM News will feature an article from Michael Vogelius, Director of the Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) at the U.S National Science Foundation (NSF), on the division’s recent program activities and the state of funding in the discipline. This is a must-read for SIAM members interested in science policy. With Vogelius’ term at the NSF coming to an end shortly, the NSF has an open search for a new DMS Director. Candidates tend to be distinguished members of the mathematical science community who have some administrative experience. Keep an eye out for his article and learn more about the open position. 

Did You Know: We’re Making Award-Winning Posters!  

Our staff works hard, and we’re proud to say - it pays off! Congratulations to Kathleen LeBlanc, our Marketing Specialist, who recently was recognized for her stellar graphic design work! Kathleen is a recipient of a 2017 American INHOUSE Design Award for her redesign of our newest prize program poster! Roughly 6,000 entries were submitted this year; a highly selective top 15% received an award. Check out the poster for which we’re being recognized!


Welcome Kivmars Bowling, New SIAM Publications Director  

We welcome a new member to the SIAM team this month! Kivmars has more than 15 years’ experience in scholarly publishing in the US, UK and Germany. During his time at Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins as well as Wiley, he managed and provided strategic direction for society journal partnerships in a variety of fields across healthcare, the social sciences, and humanities. His particular areas of focus include digital publishing innovations, new media, app development, and mobile delivery. Fluent in German, Kivmars earned an MA (Oxon) in English and Modern Languages from the University of Oxford. Track him down at next month’s Annual Meeting and introduce yourself!


Experiencing a SIAM Conference: Why Should You Attend?

With SIAM AN17 less than a month away, we’ve got meetings on the mind! SIAM conferences are a place to learn about timely topics in applied and computational mathematics and applications and be a part of a group of members exchanging ideas and expanding their networks of colleagues in both academia and industry. Have you been? Hear from the folks in this video why THEY think SIAM meetings are important and worthwhile. Watch it.


Don’t forget – this meeting is being held jointly with the SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications (CT17) and the SIAM Conference on Industrial and Applied Geometry (GD17).  All three meetings are included in one price. Register now, and see you in Pittsburgh next month!

Student Days and Career Fair

Students Days at AN17 are for students and about students. With a student orientation, a Student Lounge in the exhibit hall, talks and posters by Student Chapter Representatives and SIAM Student Paper Prize Winners, a personal meeting with the Invited Speakers, a career fair, and evening receptions, we have all of your networking and career needs covered! Check out the program for details. Job seekers planning to attend the Career Fair are encouraged to submit resumes to [email protected] (using subject line “AN17 Career Fair Resume – LAST NAME”) through July 3, 2017 so they can be provided to participating employers in advance. See complete resume preparation requirements in The Career Fair at SIAM Conferences: A Guide.

Lecture: Real-Life Hidden Figures

We’re excited to share that Christine Darden, one of the human computers included in the book “Hidden Figures” by Margot Lee Shetterly, will share some of the work she and other African American women did at NASA’s mathematics-intensive aerospace program and during the era of segregation. This book was also made into a Hollywood film.  The panel will also feature women working today in the field of mathematics who will share their personal insights of how to support and encourage diversity.  This session is on July 11, starting at 7:00pm in room 406 and is conducted in partnership with AWM, EDGE, IBM, and NAM. Learn more.

Block Lecture: How and Why Our Climate is Changing

This year’s I.E. Block Community Lecture – which is open to the public - will be given by Emily Shuckburgh, British Antarctic Survey, UK. Her talk focuses on the scientific evidence that tells us how and why our climate is changing, and what the future may hold. Her message is that climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity and that there are ample opportunities for mathematicians to contribute to this important issue. The lecture is happening July 12 at 6:15pm in the Spirit of Pittsburgh room and will be followed by a reception. Please invite friends and colleagues to attend this public lecture!

Make the Perfect Pitch: Communication Doctors 

Stop by this booth and chat with representing mathematicians, science communicators, and educators about how to turn your complex research into a story that appeals to the public. “Doctors” will offer feedback and advice on how to craft an effective message about your research for future employers, outreach events, or the press. Stop by with a short pitch or summary of your work and let’s make it media ready – July 10 from 7:15-9:15pm in room 302-304!

Spotlight: Awards and Prize Lectures

We are excited to spotlight Lek-Heng Lim of the University of Chicago, who won the 2017 James H. Wilkinson Prize in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing for his contributions to multilinear algebra, spectral theory for tensors, and high-dimensional data analysis. Find out what Dr. Lim has to say about his award and his work and add your congratulations with a comment! And remember to attend his “Tensors in Computational Mathematics” lecture on July 12 at AN17. Dr. Lim’s is only one of the distinguished prize lectures happening; check out all the awards and prize lectures at AN17.

Stay Up to Speed: Attend the SIAM Business Meeting

Catch up on what SIAM has been doing the past year to serve the applied and computational mathematics community, and network with other SIAM members.  In addition, the Business Meeting is an opportunity to recognize the 2017 SIAM Fellows. The meeting is July 11 at 6:15pm in Spirit of Pittsburgh room – see you there!

System Upgrades: Help Us Test Onsite 

SIAM is in the process of upgrading our Conference Management System to a new platform which we hope will better serve SIAM Conference attendees. At the same time, we’re developing a new website to replace what is currently on The new website, like SIAM News, will be mobile friendly and should provide an exciting, modern format to make the vast amount of information on the SIAM web pages more accessible. Samples of these developments will be displayed at AN17, plus some attendee testing too! Stop by the registration booth onsite for more information.


A Smashing Success: DS17 and OP17

Congratulations to the organizers of the SIAM Conferences on Dynamical Systems and Optimization - Michael Friedlander, Juan Meza, Evelyn Sander, Martin Wechselberger, and the entire organizing committees – for their recent successful meetings! Both of these conferences, as well as the earlier SIAM Conference on CS&E, set records for attendance. View and listen to invited and prize lectures and minitutorials from DS17, including Gary Froyland’s talk, Dynamics, Mixing, and Coherence and the minitutorial on Data Assimilation, plus select minisymposia. Check them out through SIAM Presents.

SIAM Conference Registrations, Submissions & Deadlines

Check out the SIAM Conference Calendar for a full list of SIAM meetings and those sponsored by SIAM and review the Student Travel Award page to find out what conferences are offering awards.

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