SIAM News Blog

Using SIAM’s New Virtual Gathering Space

All 2021 SIAM virtual conferences have a Gather space for social interaction during breaks. Access the Gather space by clicking on “Coffee Break Gather Space” in either the Lobby or the Lounge.




When you enter the networking space, be sure to enter your FIRST AND LAST NAME so you can easily be identified by other attendees. Select your camera and audio settings (note that you can only use your camera with one app at a time). Click “Join Gathering.”



Choosing an Avatar

When you join, you will be randomly assigned an avatar and dropped into the room. You can select a new avatar by clicking on the character icon next to your name in the bottom center tool bar. Scroll through the available characters and hit save when you are done!




Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move your avatar around the room. You will automatically connect to audio and video to any avatar that is within range of yours. Your video will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen.

PRO TIP: To walk through the room uninterrupted without connecting to nearby people, hold down the G key (G as in Ghost) until you get to where you are going!


Locating Colleagues

There is a participant icon in the bottom left corner. Click it to expand the attendee list to see who is in the room. To find someone, click on their name in the attendee list and select “Locate on map”. This will draw a line directly to that person so you can easily find them. Note they may be in another room but locate will still find them for you!



Stay Together by Following

Once you have connected with colleagues, you can walk and talk around the room! Click on your colleague’s name in the participant list and select “Follow.” When following someone, your avatar will automatically follow them when they move around the space and your video and audio will stay connected as you move through the room.

Chat Feature

There is also a chat feature on the left side tool bar. You can message specific people by finding them in the attendee list, clicking their name, and then click message. Or you can message everyone in the room or only avatars that are nearby.



Private Spaces

The furniture areas are private spaces. Private spaces allow you to have a conversation with a small group of people without the added ‘noise’ of all the other avatars walking around you. You will see a message that says “You have entered a private space” right above the center tool bar when you are in a private space. Your audio and video will only connect to other attendees that are in a shared private space with you.


Resetting Your Avatar

If you get lost, you can click on your name in the bottom center tool bar and select “Reset Position.” If that doesn’t work, click “User/Video Settings,” scroll to the bottom, and click “Respawn.” This is essentially refreshing the page and will regenerate your avatar in the space.



Enlarge Video Boxes

To make the video boxes larger, click the double arrows next to the video boxes at the top of your screen. This will make the video windows your main view.



Interactive Objects

To interact with objects in the Gather space, such as whiteboards or game tables, press “x” when you are close enough for the object to glow yellow.

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