SIAM News Blog

SIAM Rocks Data Science with New Book Series

SIAM is delighted to announce a new book series on Data Science, a fast-moving and rapidly expanding research area. The books will be for anyone interested in the mathematical, computational, and scientific aspects of data science, including mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, engineers, life scientists, and data scientists. The books will be relevant to all career levels—students, senior researchers, practitioner, educators—and all sectors of employment—academia, industry, government, education.

The mission of the series is to provide state-of-the-art research and to explicate the insight and intuition behind the spectacular success of data science. We’re aiming for a wide audience and plan to publish monographs, in-depth essays on emerging trends, tutorials with a broad reach, state-of-the-art surveys, scholarly research retrospectives, and textbooks that focus on the mathematical foundations of the subject.

As the Book Series Editor-in-Chief, Ilse Ipsen, notes:

“There’s a ton of work on data science out there, but people need help finding it, understanding it, making sense of it, and figuring out how to apply it. The goal is to publish state-of-the-art research with exposition tailored to specific groups within the vast data science audience: hands-on textbooks for students, focused monographs for researchers, tutorials for do-it-yourselfers, and state-of-the-art surveys for those just wanting to glimpse the lay of the land.”

SIAM is well-positioned to achieve these goals, according to Ipsen, because “SIAM embraces a wide variety of computational research areas and its members come from diverse employment situations. This makes for a huge pool of authors who have a vast amount of expertise and experience to draw from.”  Of course, the series will likely draw authors and readers from outside the SIAM membership too.

Please contact Ilse Ipsen ([email protected]) or Elizabeth Greenspan ([email protected])  to discuss book ideas. Learn more about this emerging area with SIAM’s data science resources, and by getting involved with SIAM Activity Groups  and student chapters. Subscribe to the SIAM newsletter to be kept up-to-date as the series develops.

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