SIAM News Blog

Author Name Change Policy for SIAM Publications

As part of its ongoing commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, SIAM is pleased to announce its new Name Change Policy for all authors of SIAM publications. 

SIAM respects that authors may seek to change their names for reasons like marriage, divorce, alignment with gender identity, or religious conversion. SIAM authors can now initiate a name change by contacting [email protected]. Authors who submit a name change will not be asked to specify the reason, and legal proof of the name change is not required. However, SIAM may request information to reasonably establish the identity of the author. 

SIAM will then work with the author to determine the material that is to be changed and decide whether to include a notice that refers to the previous name. This notice is not required but may be included if the author chooses to do so. Any co-authors will not be informed of the change unless requested by the author.

SIAM will make all relevant changes to online versions, webpages, and related digital material, such as tables of contents and search results on its website. Printed publications cannot be changed unless they are reprinted at a later date.

SIAM cannot guarantee that name changes will be implemented in non-SIAM sites, including indexes and databases that refer to SIAM publications. However, SIAM will include name change updates on its data feeds to third parties wherever possible.

“This policy ensures that authors receive proper credit for all their published work and reflects SIAM's commitment to inclusive and non-discriminatory policies in all its activities,” Howard Elman, SIAM Vice President for Publications, said. 

Ron Buckmire, SIAM Vice President for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, also commended the policy. “I am pleased that SIAM is enacting this policy,” he said. “This is another manifestation of our commitment to making the industrial and applied mathematics community more inclusive and equitable." 

Along with establishing our own Name Change Policy, SIAM has also joined the National Laboratories Name Change Initiative For Published Research Outputs, an effort created in support of researchers wishing to change their names on published research outputs, as a participating publisher. Learn more about the initiative.

If you have any questions or feedback about this policy, please reach out to Kivmars Bowling, SIAM Publications Director, at [email protected]

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