SIAM News Blog

Announcing the SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Summer Research Program

SIAM is delighted to announce the establishment of the SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Summer Research Program. Through support from the Simons Foundation, this new applied mathematics and computational science program will provide research, networking, and mentorship opportunities to U.S. students from underrepresented groups — thus allowing the SIAM community to play a strong role in developing, expanding, and diversifying the next generation of researchers and practitioners.

“We are proud to partner with the Simons Foundation over the next five years in our shared efforts to broaden participation and engagement in the mathematical and computational sciences,” Suzanne Weekes, Executive Director of SIAM, said. “We continue to work towards the reality of a more robust, diverse, and inclusive STEM community. At SIAM, we are deeply committed to this work, and we are thankful for the Simons Foundation’s investment in our efforts.”

Applications for the SIAM-Simons Under-graduate Summer Research Program will be reviewed on a rolling basis beginning on March 6 until all spots are filled.
Each year, the SIAM-Simons Undergraduate Summer Research Program will establish five sites across the U.S. for a six-week program of research and learning in applied mathematics and computational science. One faculty mentor and two students will work together at each site for these six weeks. Students will learn how to conduct scientific research, effectively communicate mathematics and computational science principles, and gain an improved understanding of careers in applied mathematics and computational science. The students and mentors from each site will also come together via video conference to present their work, participate in professional development activities, and engage in community-building initiatives.

To apply, students must submit a written statement regarding their interest in the program, their college transcripts, and two letters of recommendation. Expenses for lodging, meals, and travel will be covered by the program, and accepted applicants will receive a weekly stipend. They will also visit the Flatiron Institute in New York City and attend the SIAM Annual Meeting the year after their summer research experience to present their work. Faculty mentors—selected from SIAM’s highly qualified member base—will work closely with student participants and SIAM and receive a stipend for their involvement.

“It is deeply important that the identities of scientists and mathematicians reflect the diverse world we inhabit,” David Spergel, president of the Simons Foundation, said. “The Simons Foundation is proud to partner with SIAM to diversify the next generation of researchers and practitioners in applied mathematics and computational science.”

Read more about the program in the full online announcement. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis beginning on March 6 until all spots are filled. SIAM is incredibly grateful to the Simons Foundation for funding this important new program; for more information, please visit the website

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