Julia: A Fast Language for Numerical Computing

Julia: A Fast Language for Numerical Computing

Alan Edelman, cofounder of programming language Julia, outlines the high-performance, dynamic features of the language for technical computing.

The CoCalc Computing Environment

The CoCalc Computing Environment

CoCalc is a cloud-based service that provides a big collection of state-of-the-art open-source mathematical software.

Jupyter: Tools for the Life Cycle of a Computational Idea

Jupyter: Tools for the Life Cycle of a Computational Idea

Project Jupyter offers tools—from interactive exploration to publication and communication of...

The FEniCS Project

The FEniCS Project

Robert Kirby discusses the FEniCS project, a Python program that uses a domain-specific language to lessen the gap between machines and PDEs. 

Extensibility in PETSc

Extensibility in PETSc

Check out examples from the PETSc library for scalable solutions of partial differential equations.

Dakota Software: Explore and Predict with Confidence

Dakota Software: Explore and Predict with Confidence

The Dakota software project delivers state-of-the-art research and robust, usable software for optimization and...

Extended Functionality and Interfaces of the PRIMME Eigensolver

Extended Functionality and Interfaces of the PRIMME Eigensolver

PRIMME was first released as a C software package for finding a few selected eigenpairs of large Hermitian matrices.

FreeFem++: A High Level MultiPhysics Finite Element Software

FreeFem++: A High Level MultiPhysics Finite Element Software

Olivier Pironneau overviews the features and capabilities of FreeFem++, which uses the finite element method.