Two Approaches for Representing the Stochastic Dynamics of Foraging Behaviors

Two Approaches for Representing the Stochastic Dynamics of Foraging Behaviors

At LS22, Ahmed El Hady explained a heuristic and a Bayesian approach to modeling the foraging behavior of...

Classification Models Explore Human Trust in Autonomous Vehicles

Classification Models Explore Human Trust in Autonomous Vehicles

At AN22, Carlos Bustamante-Orellana utilized classification models to examine reliance on and trust in vehicular automation.

A Mathematical Perspective on Marine Biogeochemistry and the Oceanic Carbon Cycle

A Mathematical Perspective on Marine Biogeochemistry and the Oceanic Carbon Cycle

Francisco de Melo Viríssimo explored how mathematics contributes to marine biogeochemistry modeling at MPE22.

Inclusivity and Active Learning in the Mathematics Classroom

Inclusivity and Active Learning in the Mathematics Classroom

At AN22, Victor Piercey overviewed best practices for inclusivity and active learning in the mathematics...

Mobile Monitoring Examines Localized Urban Pollution Patterns for Environmental Justice Concerns

Mobile Monitoring Examines Localized Urban Pollution Patterns for Environmental Justice Concerns

Sarah Chambliss used mobile monitors to investigate the levels of different pollutants at a very fine scale at MPE22. 

Earthquake Forecasting with Elementary Catastrophe Theory

Earthquake Forecasting with Elementary Catastrophe Theory

Utilizing information from historical earthquake records or new data could improve earthquake early warning systems.