Volume 51 | Number 05 | June 2018
Competitive Adaptation Prevents Species from Eradicating Each Other

Competitive Adaptation Prevents Species from Eradicating Each Other

Evolution is frequently rough and unforgiving; individuals within a species compete for food, reproductive partners, or other resources.

Differentiation With(out) a Difference

Differentiation With(out) a Difference

A fundamental tension in numerical analysis is the interplay between truncation errors and rounding errors.

Remembering Cathleen Morawetz: A Champion of Mathematics at a Tumultuous Time

Remembering Cathleen Morawetz: A Champion of Mathematics at a Tumultuous Time

Cathleen Morawetz is remembered for her tireless advocacy for mathematics during a particularly trying period.

Clinically Useful Computational Models for Personalized Treatment Planning in Cardiovascular Disease

Clinically Useful Computational Models for Personalized Treatment Planning in Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, and heart disease alone is responsible for one in four deaths in the U.S.

Mathematical Modelling Disproves Decades-old Hypothesis

Mathematical Modelling Disproves Decades-old Hypothesis

Biological systems often display a built-in redundancy allowing more than one mechanism to support the same function.

Forecasting and Modeling Techniques to Study Climate’s Impact on Public Health

Forecasting and Modeling Techniques to Study Climate’s Impact on Public Health

Researchers identify relationships between climate and human health to develop forecasting and preparation methods.

Race and Gender in the Scientific Community

Race and Gender in the Scientific Community

Björn Sandstede offers a class entitled “Race and Gender in the Scientific Community” at Brown University.

Stand Out in the Industry Job-Hunting Process and Optimize Your Career Potential

Stand Out in the Industry Job-Hunting Process and Optimize Your Career Potential

A hands-on learning opportunity for the industry job-hunting process will take place at the Professional Development Evening at AN18.

Networks through History: From Ancient Hierarchies to Modern Online Communities

Networks through History: From Ancient Hierarchies to Modern Online Communities

James Case reviews Niall Ferguson's "The Square and the Tower: Networks and Power, from the Freemasons to Facebook."

Further Upon Reflection: Caustics in a Ball

Further Upon Reflection: Caustics in a Ball

Mark Levi considers a circular mirror with a reflecting inner surface, illuminated by a pencil of incoming parallel rays.

SIAM Fellow Elected to U.S. National Academy of Sciences

SIAM Fellow Elected to U.S. National Academy of Sciences

SIAM Fellow Andrea Bertozzi has been elected as a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

New Foreign Associate for U.S. National Academy of Sciences

New Foreign Associate for U.S. National Academy of Sciences

Simon Tavaré has been elected as a foreign associate of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships

AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships

The AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships are the premier opportunity to learn about policymaking while contributing to American government.

SIAM Participates in Annual CNSF Exhibition

SIAM Participates in Annual CNSF Exhibition

Emily Evans of BYU represented SIAM at the Annual Coalition for National Science Funding Capitol Hill Exhibition.