SIAM News Blog

SIAM-UKIE New Media to Help Increase Impact of Members’ Activities in the Wider Community

By Endre Süli, Françoise Tisseur, and Angela Mihai

From April 2014, the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Section of SIAM (SIAM-UKIE) maintains a bimonthly newsletter which is designed to promote contact and to further facilitate the dissemination of information between the section’s members from different areas. With an increasing number of SIAM Student Chapters in the UK, and a demand for more frequent updates on their activities, the SIAM-UKIE newsletter was a timely development in the provision of local support for the SIAM members at sectional level. The April and June 2014 issues of the newsletter are free to access via the section’s News & Events webpage and can also be downloaded from the archive webpage.

Screenshot from the SIAM-UKIE Newsletter.

As the home country of the London Mathematical Society (LMS), established in 1865, and of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year, the UK tradition in learned mathematical societies is rich, and the standards of their activities extremely high. However, the UK is also the second most important destination for international students in the world after the United States, and in order to enhance their international profile and compete on the global business and employment markets, academic institutions here are increasingly under pressure to include in their programmes some forms of international experience.

As the ambassador of SIAM in the UK and Republic of Ireland, the SIAM-UKIE Section is strategically placed, on the one hand, to promote the objectives of SIAM at sectional level, and on the other hand, to increase the participation of its members in activities organised by SIAM’s international community. In recognition of its unique role, SIAM-UKIE is committed to continually supporting its members in their professional initiatives and activities, and to providing funding, contacts, and publicity to help increase their impact in the wider national and international communities.

Endre Süli is a professor of numerical analysis at the University of Oxford and the president of SIAM-UKIE. Françoise Tisseur is a professor of numerical analysis at the University of Manchester and the vice president of SIAM-UKIE. Angela Mihai is a lecturer in applied mathematics at Cardiff University and the secretary and treasurer of SIAM-UKIE. She is also founding editor of the SIAM-UKIE Newsletter.

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