SIAM News Blog

SIAM Responds to White House Executive Order on Visas and Immigration

The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is an organization of 14,000 professionals in applied mathematics and computing. Like other scientific societies, SIAM depends on an open exchange of information related to basic research in the disciplines we serve. More than 40% of our professional members live and work outside the US. We are proud to foster a community built on opportunity and inclusiveness, free from discrimination of any kind. 

SIAM’s official statement on inclusiveness says:

Statement on Inclusiveness

As a professional society, SIAM is committed to providing an inclusive climate that encourages the open expression and exchange of ideas, that is free from all forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, and that is welcoming and comfortable to all members and to those who participate in its activities. In pursuit of that commitment, SIAM is dedicated to the philosophy of equality of opportunity and treatment for all participants regardless of gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or religious belief, age, marital status, disabilities, veteran status, field of expertise, or any other reason not related to scientific merit. This philosophy extends from SIAM conferences, to its publications, and to its governing structures and bodies. We expect all members of SIAM and participants in SIAM activities to work towards this commitment.

SIAM signed a multi-society letter, with the endorsement of our top elected officers, which urged the US President to rescind his recent Executive Order on Immigration because we feel that it fails to encourage the open expression of exchange of ideas necessary for advancement of science and technology and because the actions discriminate against certain members of the SIAM community. The actions of the Executive Order could cause irreparable damage to the scientific community. For more information, read this multi-society letter

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